Tuesday, November 21, 2006

First love lost

Note : have not written this...Have taken it from sumwhere I dont remember..So cant credit as well....But feelings and emotions says it alll..and my fav too ;)
I will not say that he was the object of my first affections, for that would be a lie. I have been feeling passionate about people since I was very, very young. Younger probably than most people. But I deny giving those feelings the title of love.

This may seem unfair to those who don’t know the difference, but those who do will agree: calling infantile crushes love is calling a dandelion a rose. There is simply no comparison.

I suppose that we all lose our first loves, as well, and that is what makes them so sweet. But the truth is, real love is something that one never truly loses: as long as we hold onto that feeling, that emotion that is love, in its first, most pure state, we have hope, and we have the promise of bright days ahead. And your first love is perhaps your most real and most true of all loves.

It took us a year and a half to work up to “I love you,” even though we’d been saying it with our eyes for almost that entire time. He thought I was “hot,” I thought he was “cute,” his friends hated me for taking him, my friends hated me for talking about him all the time, but we were in love, and damn the rest of the world.

Finally, I made a mistake or two, and it became apparent that he had many things to do that he couldn’t do with me there loving him deeply. I do not say that bitterly; it is the truth. We are both young and ignorant, and college draws us steadily farther away. And yet, our love draws us closer and closer together.

In the days that followed the breakup, I realized that while it hurt incredibly to have to “lose” him, I had gained him as a friend, and that was more important than anything else. Years down the line, I am sure, we will end up back together, for there is much unfinished business and untapped emotions between us.

But even if that never comes to pass, he is, and will always remain, my first love as well as one of my truest friends. There is so much I have to thank him for, and I cannot, so I merely show him in my actions how much he means to me, as a human being. I give him compassion, now, instead of passion.

Love, true love, transcends all. It does not have to be passionate. It does not have to be wild, it does not have to be romantic. True love is ALL of those things, at one time or another, but it endures through all the ups and downs, adapts to all situations, and never gives up. That is what gives those who love truly the incredible hope that all others find so amazing and foolish.

But those who love are not foolish … they are, for the first time, truly alive and open to feeling all emotions that can possibly be felt by the human soul.

I am not a fool to have loved and lost, for I lost nothing, and I gained the world.

Love Hurts Sometimes

Then, I would never have believed that two years after we split I would still think of him. The scientist in me is always surprised to rediscover this fact: That a person can truly be broken. Forever. There is no “It was for the best” here; no hard earned wisdom that I am glad I came by. Our split was simply a complete and utter destruction of my person. Life can be that way. Eventually you have to move on; Life, again, compels you. And, after all, I wanted to be happy again. So, you pick up what’s left,reinvent what isn’t and go on.

I think the specter of our breakup has changed me far more than our relationship. Away from the warm glow of naivete, the memories of us seem trite. It is true that only we assign meaning to our experiences.

Mostly, we had no fear. We talked about ourselves, our dreams, our childhoods, our parents. Each discussion was a wonderful opening, with no fear of what we might discover or lose. Every fact, every feeling shared was a precious thing to be cherished and savored. Our universe did not understand the possibility of loss.

Eventually, there was another. There always is in these stories. She took him away with a kiss. To explain the complete and utter vacancy of the following months would be difficult. At least there were tangible side effects: the loss of 25 pounds, the withdrawal, the tears, and tears, and tears. To this day I have not replenished them. Only after I rebuilt myself did he want me back. But the me had that had been was lost.

It is more than two years later. The person I missed hasn’t returned. I don’t think he will. I look for him sometimes, in boxes of old things,but he is never there. The beach is my place now. It is small consolation for a lost self. I know now that our relationship was far from perfect. I know what he has done with his life, and what I have done with mine, and logically, I understand them to be incompatible. What I really miss is the me that didn’t consider such things.

I see him in dreams sometimes. We approach, we talk; we are never lovers. In my dreams we travel asymptotic paths; never crossing, almost touching, our current lives the tiny infinite gap between us. I like my life now. It makes me happy. But above all, I can never forgive him.It’s not that he was perfect. It’s not that we were perfect. It’s simply that he was my Everything, and he chose to leave

Shobha De

Theres no end to gr8 ppl that I admire… One amongst those is Shobha de –When I was a kid one serial that still holds the memories was Swabhimaan.. Not read much of her but yes a friend was kind nuf to give me De’s book Marriages..Nothing interesting to start with….Just her perspective….Nor I neither my friend cud actually dig out of the book much…May be is too early 4 both of us..... Blabbered equally bout herself and hubbies ….thats what shes paid for ;)…But yes a command over her language is what fascinates me.. Excellent vocab, right use of words and an die hard attitude to Life makes her so controversial and hated most of the times..I saw on Coffee with Karan her talks can KILL…..She got a strong point of view tooo…..happy and Gay Karan Johar could not even have seconds to open his mouth…..…Both ladies never gave him any chances to question after first question ….but the interesting part is that when you search on You Tube —TAGS used for her were bitch and hypocrite DE ..cheeeee.. reading like this I am sure 2 women like her its not a great deal…Get it Over

A rebel in her talks..I don’t know if I can even hold my point of view with such a conviction as much as she does….Nehhhhhhhhh Am too stupid for that….or kiddish or don’t believe my thoughts or whatever…Nice way 2 end…

Next gonna be Donald Trump...Mean ass..Must say..But Interestingly geminine..definetely interesting 4 me ;)